Working to Save Your Marriage
Divorce May Not Be the Best Option for You
If you are currently looking for a divorce attorney, you may no longer be interested in saving your marriage. That's okay. There are plenty of people who know when it is healthier to split from their current spouse and start a new life. That, however, is not always right. In some cases, you may be looking for legal representation out of necessity or because you're feeling forced into divorce. We can help during those times too.
For some couples, they may choose to spend some time apart after they make the decision to divorce. During this time, they may craft a separation agreement so that all of the responsibilities are managed during this time apart. If you and your spouse both agree to make an effort toward working on the marriage, your union may be saved.
Regardless of the reasons that led to your potential divorce, there are
several ways that you can find your way back to stability once more.
1) Communication Is Key
In 2013, YourTango.com polled 100 mental health professionals to determine the most common factor causing divorce. The #1 reason? Communication (65%).
It is well-known that communication is essential to any successful relationship. When spouses communicate with one another in a way that is destructive or uncooperative, they cause pain and suffering. For a marriage to heal, couples need to learn to listen to one another and communicate in a manner that fosters understanding with clear, direct messages. Once open communication (both listening and speaking) becomes a priority for couples, relationships often become increasingly more cooperative.
A key factor of communication that is often overlooked is acceptance. Couples need to do more than just speak and listen—they need to truly accept the opinions and differences of their spouse. At the beginning of any relationship, many people look at their significant other with rose colored glasses as if they can do no wrong. This perception, however, can never last since people are inherently flawed.
It, however, is important to remember that we are perfect in our imperfection. For couples, this means lowering expectations and accepting your partner as they truly are. By being grateful for of your spouse, you can work toward healing the marriage. This can be difficult, but even small gestures such as voicing appreciation or helping around the house can soften your spouse and open the lines of communication.
2) Counseling Can Help
If both parties are open to it, counseling can be help save a marriage. Even if the end result is not reconciliation, counseling can help both parties gain greater insight into themselves, which may help in future relationships. If you and your spouse are interested in counseling, it is important that you do not judge each other's progress and do not base your participation upon their involvement. Regardless of what happens, counseling can deepen your understanding about yourself and others.
3) Be Open to Change
The two above steps are not enough to save a marriage on their own. If you are truly committed to the idea of reconciling with your spouse, you will need to know whether or not you're willing to bend. If you cannot fathom the idea of changing, it is going to be difficult to see a better outcome to your relationship.
Here are a few questions you can ask to determine if you're willing to change:
- Are you willing to change certain habits?
- Are you and your spouse willing to make sacrifices for the marriage?
- Are you willing to see a marriage counselor? (explained above)
Ready to Talk? Our Marietta Family Law Firm Is Ready to Listen.
Above, we explain just a few ways you can work toward a healthier relationship with your spouse—if that is truly what you want. There are countless others that a marriage counselor can help walk you through. If you would like more information about working toward saving your marriage, we encourage you to contact us today. We can refer you to licensed marriage counselors in the local area who can help you either reconcile with your spouse or move toward a divorce in as amicable and pain-free of a way as possible.
Our firm is here to help. Contact us to schedule a free case evaluation.
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